Thursday, 3 January 2013

Ending world.

As we enter into a new era, New Year 2013, we look back into what year 2012 came off. Some where there was huge extermination somewhere people celebrated the retribution given to the notorious. Somewhere acquitted died of barbarousness and somewhere people were beaten without the sense of ethics. Some peacefully marched serenely some protested with violence and words.

We always imagined greeting each year with zeal and vigor, but we ended with a tempest. We came to a year end with commotion and viciousness. It certainly seemed somewhere Mayans were right. The peace and love has ended. The morality we preserved is devastated. The question comes why?

Not only sense of security of women was in question, but it was also an international concern of saving different religious sect of people. We say we have widened our minds to every culture, every race, every religion, but is it truly? We peace marched and declared, we won’t celebrate New Year, but we didn’t stop drinking, howling and merrymaking. We mourned with loud words, but did we save many other who were victims simultaneously? Raising voice is easier, but working on it is difficult.

The barbarity is not in other’s mind. It’s in ours. We say something and ultimately end up doing something else. Yes, some of us have the potential to regulate our mind to what is necessity. But the rest? Are they able to control the hunger to kill? We feel pain but the agony vanishes as it wasn’t deep for us. But we never imagined what happens the rest of life for those victims and their loved ones. They will never have a good year again. If Happiness is birth right, it is equal to everyone. Democracy is not for one person, it’s for whole nation, for whole world. If Happiness exists, there exists Respect. If there is Respect there is Love. God has made everyone equal. So why can’t there be harmony?

We say Life is to struggle? Why? To kill each other for nothing?  Animals don’t kill each other for mere sense of attack, or any mental satisfaction? They kill to survive.  Does this terrorism, holocaust, Crime, molestation and corruption is way to struggle for living? Well I don’t think so. We say there are Good and Satan. But in reality, they are in our minds. We don’t understand, when and what takes a place. Sometimes we become God and sometimes we end up being Satan for another. Isn’t it? Tigers don’t kill tigers for mere fun. Then why do us, human kill another? It’s all question of ego, hunger of power and sense of discrimination.

The Essence is we have forgotten the roots we were born upon. It was God and nature’s love created a powerful being called Human, who will understand that he is not alone. He has a family. God as Father, Earth as Mother, all his fellow humans and animals are his own blood. God created us to lets us understand the true facts of life. But we misunderstood our power and thus this is outcome of an ending world. If we have to save the earth, we need to save ourselves and our fellow humans. Think everyone as your own. Let this world be at peace soon everyone learns the facts. Well I can only hope and mend my ways. May the day come when God will smile when he will see his children are in synchronization. Amen!

-Sruti (3rd Jan 2013)

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