Sunday, 11 November 2012

Genocide Of Mind

It is said from the ancient scriptures that human is the most pious & most desirable form for every life created on the earth. The mind created in human, is the most complex feature ever been made. It is the most skillful machine on the earth that anybody can invent. No matter, there can be many more in the whole universe or beyond. Human Mind is what this Solar system has ever got.

I am flabbergasted of the inordinate activities of the human mind and the approaches that convinces the whole world in it’s espouse. The times from the ancient ages has been changed so drastically, that we cant recognize or compare those with our times. Yes, something hasn't been changed that's the corruptive minds of the earth.  It‘s going more complex with daily forge of emotions and feelings we go through.

The world has been mixed up of two major trade-off emotions: LOVE and HATE. Where Love united people by different revolutionaries like Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa , Martin Luther King and few more, Hate  has always empowered itself with cataclysm and carnage making more human bizarre barbarity  than the beautiful baby smiles of newborns and the peaceful brotherhood.

This age is named to the age of atrocity, criminal intensity, human slaughter and genocides. People seek religious paths and spiritualism but vindicate the other pathways. People are actually baffled of the way they want to follow and the ways that are laid in front of them. Knowing the good actions also, people seek the mode of jealousy and envious attitude to even the frivolous actions made. People are undergoing privation of not knowing what the reality is and what's not real.

There is a torpid growth to every good thing in this world. Relationships are treated with animosity and thus it is at the stake. There have been constant reports on the barbaric honor killings, gene homicides and inordinate suicides. Some of the major reasons are thought-to-be-failed –blood relations and effortless relationships either marital or platonic.  People have overgrown the climbers and creepers of envy, selfishness with an outward show-off of “yes, we care”.

There has been a formidable barrier in minds of general that claims to self –pity and vivid self centered. People have certainly closed their eyes to see the other person is also of same blood line. My question is why such atrocities, madness of hurting whom we call our own? We are self depriving and making ourselves atheistic, impractical selfish morons.

We are so much overwhelmed with self pity and sympathetic to our own condition that we close our eyes to what humans are suffering from. I haven't got an answer to why we keep on hurting our own blood our own neighbor, our own friend, our own family without getting concerned about what they feel, what are they undergoing. 

God has created a world called “Family”. Quoting from a feature film, Family is such a gathering of not necessarily a blood line but a gathering of true love, care, compassion who is always ready to fight the world for each other, to teach and make the righteous thing, to not be judgmental rather to be submissive, to cherish every fruit of luck, happiness and even burden of the life together.

If the great saints have rightly said that “Vasudham Kutubhakam” means Earth is a Family. Then why not we all of us be one? It's said, “Charity begins at home”. Every good deed, good thought is started from ourselves. So, let us set an example, and then ultimately I presume, all the battles of emotions, selfishness, jealousy and envy will be overcome.

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